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You will find that most of these articles are related and essentially comprise "ebooks."
Start anywhere--but the beginning would be good!

Charles Carroll -- author of Handicapping Speed: The Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse Sprinters, and Speed Handicapper® computer software.


1 Finding Your Edge
2 Variance: The Zen of Horse Race Betting
3 Ruidoso

4 Quarter Horse Futurity Trials
5 Deactivate "Action" Bets
6 Learn To Bet From The "Dolphins"
7 Banking On $100 A Day
8 "Focus"
9 Random Odds
10 Making Odds
11 Overlays
12 Not Mickey Mouse Odds-Making
13 "Handicapping Magic"
14 Big Data, Little Data, & Fairs
15 Promoting The Sport
16 Speed And Variants, Part I
17 Just A Matter Of Time
18 Da' Figs, Part 3
19 The Class-Par Hierarchy
20 Art and Errors
(Speed Series Will Resume Soon...)

(Archive) Monster Horses

Joe Takach -- author ("Star?") of the classic--and more relevant than ever--horse racing video, Beat The Beam. Also author of many books rated highly by Phillips Racing Newsletter--and a guy who is never short on opinions. We are happy to publish his current work on the Web.

For a free sample of Joe's Daily Southern California Horses To Watch, click here to jump to DesertSea.Com!

1 Physicality - Fact or Fiction?
2 Walking Short
3 Ears And Their Significance In Betting Decisions
4 What's In A Tail?
5 Muscling
6 Color
7 Energy, part 1
8 Energy, part 2
9 Negative Equipment - 1
10 Negative Equipment - 2
11 Negative Equipment - 3
12 Warm Ups - Warm Downs
13 Profiting From Physicality
14 Specializing
15 Strong Opinions
16 Breaking The Losing Habit
17 Handicapping To Win
18 Passing Unplayable Races
19 How Do You Handle Beaten Favorites?
20 Tuning In
21 Understanding A Lost Bet
22 Crossover Trainers
23 Illusionary Increases
Looking For The Yellow Brick Road
25 Maiden Winners In Their Next Starts
26 Maiden Winners - Part 2
27 Beginning A New Meet
28 Profiting From Mistakes in The Morningline
29 How Do You Handle Imported Turf Horses?
30 Imported Turf Newcomers - Part II
31 Imported Turf New Comers, Part III
32 Imported Turf New Comers - IV
33 Imported Turf Newcomers - Putting it All Together
34 The Last Two Minutes
35 The Last Two Minutes - Part 2
36 Closing Out A Meet
37 Reply To A Great Letter
38 What if you lose your first bet of the day?
39 What if you lose your first bet of the day? Part
40 Why Don't Your Highest Speed And Pace Numbers Win Every Time?
41 Why Don't Your Speed/Pace Horses Win Every Time - Part 2
42 Speed/Pace Flops, Part 3
43 Speed/Pace Flops Conclusion
44 Why Do Physically Bad-Looking Horses Win Races?
45 Why Do Physically Bad-Looking Horses Win Races? Part 2.
46 Why Do Physically Bad-Looking Horses Win Races? Part 3

Books, Software, and videos by these authors are available at DesertSea.Com

The opinions expressed in articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of iCapper.Com

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