

Odds Table

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For additional information on odds, using odds to find value, random odds, and other odds-related topics, see articles by Charles Carroll at iCapper.Com. Feel free to print this table, or save it as an html file as a pop-up reference on your handicapping computer.

Odds to Percent Conversion Table
1-10 90.91 4-1 20.00
1-5 83.33 9-2 18.19
2-5 71.42 5-1 16.67
1-2 66.67 6-1 14.29
3-5 62.50 7-1 12.50
4-5 55.56 8-1 11.11
1-1 50.00 9-1 10.00
6-5 45.45 10-1 9.09
7-5 41.67 11-1 8.33
3-2 40.00 12-1 7.69
8-5 38.46 15-1 6.25
9-5 35.71 20-1 4.76
2-1 33.33 25-1 3.85
5-2 28.57 30-1 3.23
3-1 25.00 50-1 1.96
7-2 22.22 99-1 1.00

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